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Welcome back to my four-part summary of the trial of State of Washington v. Kurt Benshoof!

First, read Day 1:

and Day 2:

Same caveats as before - this is a summary of my notes, based on my best recollection and my own opinion!


On third day of state-led lawfare, our wise Court dealt with further pre-trial motions!

More specifically, debating the exclusion of evidence in the form of police bodycam footage.

We had the morning off, and court began at 1:00PM. Incidentally, I may or may not have hypothetically jaywalked right in from of the police detective I mentioned in Day 1's summary, running across the street and momentarily alarming him (hypothetically). Oops!

Counsel for the state walked in at 1:03PM with a box labelled "Benshoof". Two minutes later, Kurt is brought in with the usual handcuffs and full red jumpsuit. A lovely lady named Melissa, who I understand to be a board member, asked who I was and if I was there for Kurt. I explained I was a board member, and asked if she knew Kurt. She said yes, and said that he's a good guy.

Two matters scheduled for today, referred to as hearings on "3.5" and "3.6" grounds. I may be incorrect, but I believe this refers to the Washington State Superior Court Criminal Rules:

Rule 3 is "Rights of Defendants". 3.5 is "Confession Procedure":

And rule 3.6 is "Suppression Hearings - Duty of Court":

Barnes begins by claiming there was a material misrepresentation in the search warrant filled out by the aforementioned detective, present at State's counsel table. For example, it incorrectly listed Kurt as having previously been married to Jade, along with various factual omissions. Barnes raised this as a Fourth Amendment Issue, and specifically one of particularity.

Barnes then explained that under State v. Fairley, a 2020 decision of the Washington Court of Appeals, a search warrant authorizing seizure of a cell phone does not authorize a search of that phone. A separate warrant is needed, and Barnes said the probable cause materials needs to be separated from private material. Further, Barnes moved to suppress any such evidence, and exclude any member of the prosecution who saw inadmissible information that would give an unfair advantage.

The State replied that none of the items seized were searched, and the messages in question were retrieved from other devices (Jade's phone/computer). Barnes says he'll take State's counsel at his word that they didn't search the devices.

State counsel says that Detective Ellis, the officer sitting at counsel table, wrote the warrant application.

It's worth noting that Kurt would occasionally whisper something in Barnes' ear. I never heard what he said, and wouldn't repeat it if I had. I mention this to say that Kurt seemed to be very well versed in the intricacies of his case, and I speculate that he may have been pointing out flaws in the State's theory or factual statements. Again, he comes across as very sharp.

State counsel (last name Jenkins, by the way) then says the State took photos of the home during the search and a limited number will be introduced.

A "Franks Hearing" was mentioned. I didn't know what this was at the time, but now know it is a proceeding to determine whether or not a police officer lied in a search warrant application. Apparently, Kurt had previously requested a Franks Hearing, but the Court found there wasn't and isn't a basis for one in this matter.

We then heard from our first two witnesses in the case! The State called two officers, each of whom responded to different alleged violations of Kurt's restraining orders. The two incidents at hand were:

  • August 15, 2022: Officers were notified of a restraining order violation, went to Mr. Benshoof's house, and detained him. The State's position is that Kurt made voluntary statements to the police, and that he was not under arrest. Further, if the Court did find he was under arrest, that he was properly read his Miranda rights and waived his right to an attorney and to remain silent.

  • January 23, 2023: Another restraining order violation. Again, the State says he engaged in a voluntary conversation with police.

The State calls Officer Nicholas Hughes to the stand, and swears him in. He works for the Seattle Police Department in the North Precinct, Lincoln sector. He testified to interacting with Kurt three times, that he can recall. He responded to Jade's house a few times.

Officer Hughes was present for the August 15, 2022 incident. He described seeing an "FJ car" at Kurt's house, like a big SUV. Hughes testified that Kurt was detained while officers determined if there was probable cause for a violation.

While the State was asking questions, I noticed the lawyer appeared to be reading directly from the police reports filed in Kurt's Seattle case. I recognized them from having read them the prior day.

The State then played the recording from officer Hughes' "Axon bodycam". It depicted the police driving up to Kurt's house, then up the driveway. We hear the officer say that Kurt "violated a no-contact order," and see Kurt's vehicle. The officers go up the front porch stairs and knock on Kurt's door. Officer Hughes walks to the front window, looks inside, and says "someone's home."

Kurt opens the door and hands the officers a stack of papers (a thick stack - maybe 80-100 sheets). The officers ask if his son is home. Kurt says yes, that his son (A.R.W.) had a conversation with his mom leading to him arriving at Kurt's house. Kurt says he told A.R.W. that he needed to leave, but that A.R.W. told him his mom had said "go ahead" when he was leaving. Kurt explained that he thought she (Jade) might be trying to set him up.

Kurt attempts to explain the paperwork but the cops interrupt him. He describes the no-contact order as "allegedly valid", and that he explains that in the paperwork. The officers ask if Kurt had talked to his son on Discord, and Kurt says no. He says that he last talked to his son over Zoom on August 18. Kurt mentions something about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Kurt says he has not been served the no-contact order. One of the officers says that it's in their system, and points out Kurt has previously been arrested for violating it. Kurt doubles down, insisting he was never properly served.

He explains that the restraining order started in around October 2021, and was in effect for one year. He has since heard about a new restraining order which he has not been served with. At this point, Kurt leaves to go get his son from inside the house.

The State pauses the video because the court computer is about to automatically restart, and he's unable to stop it. He switches to a different computer, and resumes the video.

Kurt's son, A.R.W., comes out of the house onto the porch. Kurt says he's recording the discussion.

The officer asks A.R.W. if he's been planning this visit with his dad, and asks what his Discord handle is. He confirms that his handle is "Wrench" (if I recall correctly), but does not positively identify that the user he was interacting with was Kurt.

A.R.W. tells the officers that his mom didn't stop him from coming over here. The cops ask Kurt why he didn't call the police when A.R.W. arrived.

According to their system, the restraining order was apparently served in November 2022.

The cop says that it doesn't matter if Jade gave A.R.W. permission to come over to his dad's, and that his dad was in trouble for letting him into the house. Kurt says he didn't let him in, and that he hadn't seen anything saying he had to call 9-11 if his son showed up. Kurt again denies that he talked to his son on Discord.

A.R.W. tells the cops that he doesn't want to go back to his mom's house. Kurt says if A.R.W. has to go back, then the cops can take him to another family member's house. The cops reply that he's 13 years old and needs to stay with his mom.

At this point, the officer tells Kurt to step out of the house. Kurt closes the door. The cop shouts that he's taking Kurt to jail under mandatory arrest.

The cops speak to A.R.W., describing Kurt as being too scared to handle his problems and locking A.R.W. out of the house. They bring A.R.W. down to their car. One cop continues speaking with A.R.W. while Officer Hughes calls the incident in. Video ends.

Through further questioning from the state, Officer Hughes testifies that Kurt was standing in the "threshold of his door", and that he was not under arrest at the beginning of the video. He was never physically placed under arrest.

Time for cross-examination! Barnes steps up and asks whether Officer Hughes told Mr. Benshoof that he was free to end the conversation at any time. The officer replied in the negative. Barnes then asked if he understands that the presence of two officers at their doorstep would lead many people to believe they're being detained. The officer replied, "I guess."

NOTE: there was some confusion about the order in which the videos were played, and the dates the incidents in question occurred. This was confusing in court, and I understand it will be confusing now. Hang tight.

Next, the State called Officer Jordan Wallace to the stand, from SPD North Precinct. The State quickly started playing the second video, described as being from the August 15, 2022 incident.

Video shows: Officers are driving towards Kurt's house, and the officers see Kurt running to his door. The officers catch up with Kurt and tell him he's being detained. Cop begins to ask Kurt a question, but catches himself, and reads him his Miranda rights first.

He then asks Kurt why he ran when he saw the cops. Kurt says he has already been unlawfully arrested numerous times, and here he was, being arrested again. Officer Wallace says he's not under arrest, just being detained while he conducts an investigation.

Kurt asks the officers if they can move down onto the street as he didn't want to disturb his neighbours, who he described as being like family. The officers said "not right now," but indicated they would move in the neighbours asked.

Kurt then describes Jade in unflattering terms. He said she's a prostitute, stole his car, is extorting him, etc, and has committed multiple felonies, evidence of which he has provided to the SPD's investigative unit. Interestingly, Officer Wallace says that due to defunding of police, there's a huge investigative backlog, and he himself is only now going through cases filed in 2018.

Kurt described being in a "Jerry Springer" type situation. Officer Wallace asks Kurt if he contacted child protective services about his allegations. Kurt replies that he's contacted everyone. He describes in detail to the cop how Jade engaged in prostitution at home while A.R.W. was there, and says there's "worse abuse than that."

Kurt then explains that the Family Court is an administrative court, not civil or criminal, and the restraining order is fraudulent because Family Court can't issue them in the first place. He says he filed two "show cause" orders to bring Jade and her lawyer to court. He says he has 100 pages of "hard proof."

Kurt then cites a specific provision of law restricting jurisdiction over a parent: RCW 26.09.004, paragraphs 3 and 4, defining "permanent parenting plan" and "temporary parenting plan":

Kurt says he's no longer party to one of the cases in question, and is not aware of being a respondent in a restraining order. It's a hard no, in no uncertain terms. The video ends.

Officer Wallace explains he almost always reads directly from the Miranda card he carries on duty, including this time, and has Mirandize people over 5000 times. He says he asked Kurt "investigatory questions."

Time for Barnes' cross-exam!

Barnes asks Officer Wallace if he instructed Mr. Benshoof to stay at the base of his stairs. I don't remember what the officer said in response. Barnes then asked if being placed in handcuffs means someone is under arrest. I don't remember exactly what Officer Wallace replied, but I believe the answer was along the lines of "not necessarily".

The State's position is that the August 15 incident did not involve Kurt being placed under arrest. But if the Court disagrees, then it should nonetheless be admissible.

Barnes' position is that he was under custodial interrogation on August 15, and moves to suppress Kurt's statements from the January 2023 incident.

The State once again speaks with Barnes about stipulating to the fact that Kurt was properly served with the restraining order. No commitment either way from Barnes.

We broke for lunch, returning at 2:37PM. As previously mentioned, the dates and order of the two videos were confusing, including to Judge Parisien, who sought clarification. It was clarified that the videos were shown in reverse order; January 2023, and then August 2022.

The Court finds that Kurt was not in an interrogative situation in the January 2023 video, and his statements are admissible. She also found that he was not under custodial interrogation in the August 15, 2022 incident, and rules admissible.

Along with some procedural questions from Barnes, the parties argued a bit about redactions and the previously-discussed stipulation. The State essentially accused Barnes of making "ad hoc" redactions to the Discord chats. From my perspective, it seemed to be a matter of simple miscommunication between the lawyers.

Judge Parisien put the Court into recess, then quickly changed her mind to ask again about wether or not Barnes would stipulate to service of the restraining order. Barnes said this would be decided tonight. The Court replied that this "should be a pretty easy stipulation." She then told Barnes that his proposed jury instructions need to be in soon, deciding on a deadline of first thing Monday morning. The State ended the day by expressing concern over the timeline of the case.

And there you have it! I will summarize Day 4, opening statements, next. My goal is to have that up tonight, or at the very latest, tomorrow before the Sunday show.

Thanks for your patience, and for strong interest in the case. I have no doubt Kurt and @RobertBarnes are all the more motivated by your kind words, and I am personally very excited to hear from Robert during tomorrow's show!

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Ian Carroll

Let's break it down.

Sponsor: – code VIVA saves $32 + FREE shipping. Get prepped with IVERMECTIN and life-saving meds at The Wellness Company.

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just an update.

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Trudeau's Prorogation of Parliament RATIFIED!

Here is the vlawg. Enjoy!

February 17, 2024
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The Barnes Brief, Podcast Format: Monday, July 17, 2023

Closing Argument: Birthright citizenship is deeply American, and wholly Constitutional.

The Barnes Brief, Podcast Format: Monday, July 17, 2023
Declaration of Independence

Audio podcast style.

Declaration of Independence
March 06, 2025
The best photograph I ever took

I’m at my daughter’s highschool, taking photographs of their dress rehearsal. Started talking photography with one of the kids in the play, and he was showing me some of his great photographs.

I told him I had this duck one… Found an email from five years ago with it. I think I’ve shared this with the community already, but just in case. @Leffson will appreciate it.

I will never take a better photograph in my entire life. There is no point in even trying 😂

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The Earth is not flat :-)

Finally dusted off the telescope, and hooked up the camera. It’s amazing. Where we are in Florida, the air is so clear, the Night Sky looks like black cardboard over a floodlight with holes poked in it.

Managed to snap this picture of the moon. Now I just need to find a CompactFlash card adapter to pull the photos off the camera.

And I say this without judgment, I harbor no ill-will to anyone who thinks the Earth is flat. I just don’t understand how anyone can look at the moon, appreciate that it is a ball, and then come to the conclusion that the Earth would be any different in terms of physical shape. And it’s not for lack of discussion. I’ve had discussions with many people who believe the Earth is flat.

I think it is more just the manifestation of deep cynicism in everything we’ve been taught, as opposed to a belief that the Earth is in fact flat.

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The Barnes Brief: Friday, February 28, 2025



  • Friday at 9ish pm eastern: Betting w/ Barnes AMA
  • Saturday Night at 9 pm eastern: Movie TBD
  • Sunday at 6 pm eastern: Viva & Barnes, Law for the People

Book Recommendation: Have in a Heartless World by Christopher Lasch. The Family vs. the State.

Art of the Day: The last photo of my father with the family around Christmas 1985. I sit right in front of him, with my brother and mother next to him, and my sisters Martha, Brenda and little Laura rounding out the family photo. My father loved Christmas, and lived for it, and it remains my first thought whenever I think of him. I think about this as I try to defend a father stripped of the chance to even talk to his son; I can only imagine what horrifying effect such an action could have had on my father, and it reminds me why taking on difficult cases against difficult odds remains critical to defend people like him from the harms the more powerful can inflict. The family remains the haven in a world especially when that world turns heartless.

Wisdom of the Day: “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Frederick Douglas.

The Library: Five Curated Articles of the Week

  1. Zelensky Exposed
  2. IRS Leaks
  3. Trump tariffs
  4. Bureaucracy Revealed
  5. Epstein files hidden

*Bonus: Math to the rescue?


Top 5 Cases TBD Sunday

  1. Senseless in Seattle
  2. Big Tech vs. Parents
  3. Hollywood drama: Privacy in Discovery
  4. SCOTUS: Trump
  5. SCOTUS: Prosecutorial Duties

*Bonus: Washington Right to Parent


Closing Argument: Senseless in Seattle


  • The upcoming trial of Kurt Benshoof is a most peculiar one – the government seeks to imprison him for a decade or more. What purports to justify this? Benshoof texted his son, sought legal claims to his car, home and custody of his son, and texted and called his son’s mother concerning his son. The government labels this “stalking” and “harassment.” Why? Because Benshoof’s real crime is his beliefs.
  • Anyone familiar with family disputes and divorces knows that people involved in such disputes can be quite unkind to one another, but rarely is it prosecuted as a crime. Benshoof’s case reveals a new front of the culture conflict: weaponizing the legal system to take away the parental rights of dissidents in a war on the family, and especially a war on fathers.
  • Benshoof objected to trans ideologies being taught to his son, objected to vaccine and mask mandates on his son, and objected to his son being given the Covid 19 vaccine. As a consequence, his son’s mother got the son vaccinated in secret, without the father’s notice or knowledge, and without informing their teenage son of any of the risk of the vaccine.
  • After the father protested, the mother took him to court. The court also did not like Benshoof’s beliefs about Covid, the vaccine, and trans ideologies being taught his son, with guardians ad litem reporting him as a “transphobe” that should be denied contact with his son. The court ultimately agreed, and prohibited Benshoof from even contacting his son or responding to his son. When Benshoof responded to his son and told him he could live with him if he wanted when he was upset, the government charged Benshoof with the crime of stalking and harassment for talking to his son and for any attempts at communicating with his son’s mother about his son. How? Because dissident belief is now “abuse”. Dissident belief is now “stalking”. Dissident belief is now “harassment.”
  • This is why the Benshoof case is consequential beyond him. It’s the fundamental right to parent one’s own children without the government dictating what beliefs are ok to share or not share with your own children, what values they will be imparted with, and whether they have to be the guinea pig in a medical experiment.
  • I took on the case despite the difficult odds – a Seattle jury pool and judicial officials hostile to Benshoof and his beliefs and fully onboard the woke cultural revolution to impose on kids – because the family is still the haven in a heartless world, and we need more fathers to care for their sons, not fewer.
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The Barnes Brief: Friday. February 21, 2025



  • Live w/ Duran


  • Friday at 9ish pm eastern:  Betting w/ Barnes: SportsPicks Subscribers Exclusive AMA
  • Saturday Night at 9 pm eastern: Movie TBD
  • Sunday at 9 pm eastern: Viva & Barnes, Law for the People
  • Tuesday-Thursday February 25 to 27, Bourbon w/ Barnes at 9ish eastern

Book Recommendation: Lords of Poverty detailing the fraudulent way many “aid” NGOs work.

Art of the Day: From one of the meme maker maestros, an elegant image of simply luxuries to end a hard day’s labor – a smooth glass with a big piece of ice draped in the inviting bourbon sharing the space with a lit cigar, against the backdrop of a whiskey cast with the name slipped in Viva/Barnes…very well done!

Wisdom of the Day: “I still remember, 40 years ago, when I was shackled and put in prison…Being an American citizen didn’t mean a thing then.” Fred Korematsu.

The Library: Top 5 Curated Articles of the Week

  1. A new disease: post Covid vaccination syndrome
  2. Language police
  3. Populist left protest
  4. Homeless rise
  5. Left uncovers why young people shifted                                                                                        

*Bonus: King of late night

Top 10 Cases TBD Sunday

  1. SCOTUS: Civil Rights
  2. SCOTUS: No Justice
  3. SCOTUS: Qui Tam Fraud
  4. SCOTUS: Prejudicial evidence
  5. Senseless in Seattle: Benshoof Case
  6. 1st Amendment Prosecutions
  7. Indentured servants
  8. Parental rights undermined
  9. Trans protections in prison
  10. Doge in court

*Bonus: High Seas power.


Closing Argument: Politicized Punishment

From my sentencing brief in the Senseless in Seattle case:

  • How much is enough? Mr. Benshoof has lost his car, lost his home, lost the right to contact his son, and lost his liberty for months in jail. He faces another trial on related charges. The Prosecution suggests an 81-year prison sentence, and formally now seeks an unprecedented, harsh, punitive six-year prison sentence with de facto termination of parental rights in a 5-year no contact order with his own son – for what?  A father texting his teenage son. The son often sought out the contact, and never complained about the contacts. Instead of the facts of this case, the government focuses on everything but this case, while ignoring the punishment that has already been imposed on the defendant. A just sentence conforming to Constitutional principles calls for a time served sentence, not a sentence longer than what some rapists get.  
  • Indeed, the entire case is predicated on a serious Constitutional offense – punishing a defendant for asserting his fundamental right to parent. A court cannot circumvent the Constitutional and statutory processes for terminating parental rights with “no contact” orders. The government’s sentence, if imposed, raises additional Constitutional questions, including terminating parental rights without due process of law and punishing defendants based on the individual interest of prosecutors and courts because the defendant brought legal complaints against them. 
  • Few fundamental rights are more important than the parental right to contact, control and custody of their minor children. Indeed, “[a] parent's right to control and to have the custody of his children is a fundamental civil right which may not be interfered with without the complete protection of due process safeguards.” In re Dependency of K.N.J., 171 Wash. 2d 568, 574, 257 P.3d 522, 526 (2011) (quoting Halsted v. Sallee, 31 Wash. App. 193, 195, 639 P.2d 877 (1982)). Mr. Benshoof, as a “natural parent, has a fundamental liberty interest in his custody and care of” his son. Id. (quoting In re Custody of C.C.M., 149 Wash.App. 184, 203, 202 P.3d 971 (2009)).  “Procedures used to terminate the relationship between parent and child must meet the requisites of the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.” Id. at 574 (quoting Lassiter v. Dep't of Soc. Servs., 452 U.S. 18, 24–32 (1981)). Indeed, the Court of Appeals has previously noted that relocation and dependency proceedings are distinguishable from termination proceedings because they do not “sever all contact between the nonresidential parent and child.”  In re Marriage of Wehr, 165 Wash. App. 610, 615, 267 P.3d 1045, 1048 (2011). Here, however, the no-contact order at issue in the case, and the no contact order recommended by the prosecution would sever all contact between Mr. Benshoof and his son: without Due Process or the required statutory termination procedures.
  • None of these steps ever occurred: the prior court order stripped the Defendant of his fundamental rights without conforming to Constitutional or statutory process, and punishing him for asserting that right is as problematic as now seeking to create a new no contact order stripping him of those fundamental rights into the future. The Prosecution seeks to skip right over all of the Due Process protections built into a termination procedure and skip directly to the results of the termination: preventing Mr. Benshoof from seeing or contacting his son ever again. The Prosecution is essentially demanding a constructive termination of the parental relationship. Worse still, they demand this against the wishes of Mr. Benshoof’s son – who has the legal right to choose which parent he wishes to retain custody.
  • The government asks this court to commit the very abuses of power that led to standardizing sentencing in the first place: the need to treat similarly situated people similarly. The government’s punitive sentencing request invites yet another legal error: it demands punishment because the defendant has brought legal action against prosecutors and judges. This demand violates the defendant’s right to petition the government for redress of grievances, a Constitutional policy that prevents people seeking extra-legal remedies. While the government objects to the defendant constantly seeking out the courts for remedy, the government ignores his Constitutional right to do so, including the defendant challenging the service of process of the no-contact order at issue in this case, and challenged its constitutionality and jurisdictional authority as well. No one – until now – has sought to imprison someone for petitioning the court for redress of grievances, a First Amendment protected right. Aside from the Constitutional concerns, the government’s complaints about the defendant’s pro se litigation ignores that this case doesn’t concern those matters and that the defendant had already been punished. Mr. Benshoof has already been penalized with denial of the right to sue without advance court permission, dismissal of his petitions, denial of his complaints and appeals, and financial fines. By contrast, a time served sentence conforms to other comparable cases, Constitutional principles, and just sentencing.
  • It is apparent the legal authorities of the Seattle area dislike Benshoof’s pro se litigant and Covid policy protest past, but that is not the basis for imposing the harshest punishment ever imposed on a middle aged defendant with very little criminal history, who has already lost his ability to seek judicial redress without advance judicial permission, lost his car, lost his residence, and lost custody of his son, when that sentence will undermine confidence in the legal system and not be a truly just sentence. How much is enough? 


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The Barnes Brief: Friday, February 14, 2025


  • Friday at 9ish pm eastern: Betting w/ Barnes: AMA
  • Saturday Night at 9 pm eastern: Movie TBD
  • Monday at 9 pm eastern: Viva & Barnes, Law for the People

Book Recommendation: Essential Federalist & Anti-Federalist Papers.

Art of the Day: As a 12-year-old boy, just a bit removed from the death of my father (who died 12 days from my 12th birthday), I looked for role models, and I found two that baffled some of my schoolmates. Inspired by two books I carried around with me everywhere, the texts I turned to for inspiration were Donald Trump’s Art of the Deal and Robert Kennedy’s To Seek a Newer World. Now, I helped bring the two movements together in RFK Jr. and Trump, completing an extraordinary journey. I never forgot Trump’s pearl of proverbial wisdom to expect the best but also plan for the worst, a brilliant balancing act of mindset I find useful to this day. I also never forgot the quote on the screen, that we must not just ask why things are but also why not change them? A simple question with a revolutionary effect for both men – dream big, and believe those dreams, and you might be surprised just how much those very actions can make them come true.

Wisdom of the Day: “Look at what can be, and ask – why not?” Robert Kennedy.


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