- Friday at 9ish pm eastern: Betting w/ Barnes: AMA
- Saturday Night at 9 pm eastern: Movie TBD
- Monday at 9 pm eastern: Viva & Barnes, Law for the People
Book Recommendation: Essential Federalist & Anti-Federalist Papers. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/110335.The_Essential_Federalist_and_Anti_Federalist_Papers
Art of the Day: As a 12-year-old boy, just a bit removed from the death of my father (who died 12 days from my 12th birthday), I looked for role models, and I found two that baffled some of my schoolmates. Inspired by two books I carried around with me everywhere, the texts I turned to for inspiration were Donald Trump’s Art of the Deal and Robert Kennedy’s To Seek a Newer World. Now, I helped bring the two movements together in RFK Jr. and Trump, completing an extraordinary journey. I never forgot Trump’s pearl of proverbial wisdom to expect the best but also plan for the worst, a brilliant balancing act of mindset I find useful to this day. I also never forgot the quote on the screen, that we must not just ask why things are but also why not change them? A simple question with a revolutionary effect for both men – dream big, and believe those dreams, and you might be surprised just how much those very actions can make them come true.
Wisdom of the Day: “Look at what can be, and ask – why not?” Robert Kennedy.