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Looks like things happened in my time in a booth isolated from the interwebs. Apparently Sinwar got his Adel Kader al Husseini moment.

"Israel on Thursday night announced that IDF troops had killed Hamas terror chief Yahya Sinwar in Gaza.

Sinwar, architect of the October 7 Hamas invasion and slaughter in southern Israel, was killed in a firefight in Rafah, in southern Gaza, on Wednesday, the Israel Defense Forces and Shin Bet security agency said.

He was not being directly targeted, and troops only realized that one of the three terrorists killed in the incident was apparently Sinwar when they inspected the scene on Thursday morning. Confirmation that the body was indeed Sinwar was finalized on the basis of DNA and other testing. Part of Sinwar’s finger was removed for expedited testing as the location was booby-trapped. His body was extracted and brought to Israel later Thursday.

In a joint statement, the IDF and Shin Bet said Israel’s military activities gradually constricted Sinwar’s area of operations, ultimately leading to his death. The statement said that over the past few weeks, the 162nd Division and Gaza Division operated in Gaza in areas where intelligence indicated senior Hamas officials were hiding. A force from the 828th Bislamach Brigade killed Sinwar and the other two terrorists, it said.

After the three terrorists were spotted, fired at and injured, two headed into one building and the third, who turned out to be Sinwar, went into another, the military said. The other two terrorists were apparently bodyguards of Sinwar’s and had been moving in front of him, clearing his way.

IDF tanks and other forces opened fire on both buildings.

Sinwar then went up to the second floor. A tank fired another shell at the building, and an infantry platoon moved up to search. Sinwar threw two grenades, one of which exploded. The soldiers withdrew, and a drone flew in to search the room. It found a man with his arm injured and his face covered — Sinwar — who threw a wooden stick at the drone. Another tank shell was fired at the man, killing him.

On Thursday morning, troops searching the building looked at the face of the slain terrorist whom the drone had spotted, and noticed that he resembled Sinwar. The Shin Bet took DNA and part of his finger to verify his identity. No hostages were with Sinwar at the time.

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari confirmed in a Thursday night press conference that the military “identified him as a terrorist in a building” and did not know it was Sinwar. “We fired on the building and went in to search. We found him with a flak jacket and a gun and NIS 40,000.”..."
"The Palestine Liberation Organization, led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and seen internationally as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, expressed its condolences Friday on the “martyrdom” of Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar, calling him a “great national leader” and urging Palestinian national unity.

Some of the PLO’s constituent factions also expressed condolences for the terror chief’s demise, including Abbas’s secularist Fatah party, which said Israel’s “killing and terrorism will not succeed in breaking the will of our people.”..."
Sinwar found with UN ID on his person at time of death
"Top Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar had an UN employee ID on him at the time of his assassination at the hands of Israeli forces in a chance encounter.

Photos of Yahya Sinwar's personal belongings were shared to X by Amit Segal, a journalist for Israel's Channel 12 News. One of these items was identified by Segal as an UNRWA teacher ID...."
Attempt on Netanyahu's life by Hezbollah
"A drone fired by Hezbollah from Lebanon that exploded in the central seaside town of Caesarea early on Saturday targeted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s private home, his office said.

The premier and his wife were not present and no injuries were reported.

The short statement from Netanyahu’s office came after the IDF said that “a building had been hit” in the upscale town famous for its swanky villas and Roman ruins and amphitheater..."
"Iran’s United Nations mission says that Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror group, armed and financed by Tehran, was behind a drone attack on the residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“This action was taken by the Lebanese Hezbollah,” the mission says in response to a question about Iran’s role in the attack, according to the official IRNA news agency.

The Tehran-backed terror group, which fights Israel in Lebanon’s south, has not yet acknowledged the attack.
Iran’s United Nations mission says that Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror group, armed and financed by Tehran, was behind a drone attack on the residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“This action was taken by the Lebanese Hezbollah,” the mission says in response to a question about Iran’s role in the attack, according to the official IRNA news agency.

The Tehran-backed terror group, which fights Israel in Lebanon’s south, has not yet acknowledged the attack.

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Keep Watching

Foreign Minister Israel Katz rejects Iran’s statement blaming Hezbollah.

“The primary proxy, the tentacle Iran created, funded, armed, trained, and now controls in all its operations, is suddenly portrayed as an independent entity. Your lies and false pretenses won’t help you – you are responsible,” he writes on X."

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Closing Argument: Birthright citizenship is deeply American, and wholly Constitutional.

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Declaration of Independence

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Declaration of Independence
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Let’s do our own movie! In honor of Kamala Harris, there will be a hodgepodge of choices that are unrelated and randomly tossed out there, making no sense at all!

Start at 9 Eastern with your own pick and reply in the comments. Best Kamala word salad wins (something)! 😉

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The Barnes Brief: Friday, October 18, 2024

Schedule: Past & Prospective


What Are The Odds:



LIVE Friday Night Betting w/ Barnes at 9pm:

Saturday Movie: TBD by Board Poll

Sunday: Law for the People w/ Viva

Art of the Day: Needed: an old school study with fireplace, deep leather chairs, the requisite humidor, oil paintings on the wall of ancestors, plush carpets on hardwood floors, old cognac and elegant bourbon in the cabinet, a few classic books on the shelves, and memorable conversations for generations.

Book Recommendation: Operation Ajax: a trip down memory lane.

Wisdom of the Day: “A doctrine derived from the premise that the King can do no wrong deserves no place in American law.” Law Professor Cherminsky.

Closing Argument: Too Much Immunity


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The Barnes Brief: October 11, 2024

Schedule: Past & Prospective


What Are The Odds:



LIVE Friday Night Betting w/ Barnes:

Saturday Movie: TBD by Board Poll

Sunday: Law for the People w/ Viva

Closing Argument: The Story Polls Tell Us

Book Recommendation: An argument for Trump-style economics from three decades ago by one of the most prescient political analysts of American modern history.

Art of the Day: I don’t know how impractical it might be, but I’ve always wanted to build a home containing glass ceilings and glass floors in varying parts of the home, to immerse the living space into the outer environment, feeling the skies above and the dirt below, with a special fondness for window views, like clear sky or mountain views from above and river or creek views outside and below. This image captures part of that fascination.

Wisdom of the Day: "Why you talkin' about abortion when we can't feed our kids?" Black woman voter in Las Vegas explaining to a journalist why she's voting Trump over Harris. 

The Merits: Top Five Curated Articles from The Barnes Library

1)  Economy: Recession began in 2022.

2)  Politics: Climate change is a political loser.

3)  Geopolitics: Journalist arrested in Israel.

4)  History: NAFTA.

5)  Culture: Big Pharma’s “studies” exposed.

Homework: Top 10 Cases TBD on Sunday

I.              SCOTUS restarts.

II.           Trump NY Appeal.

III.        Amos Miller argument.

IV.         Banks funding cartels.

V.           Court clerks strike?

VI.         Crypto vs Biden continues.

VII.      Roger Ver Indictment problems.

VIII.   J6 informant evidence missing.

IX.        Cakeshop owner wins final battle.

X.           Senate candidate exposed.

Closing Argument: The Story Polls Tell Us

  • Let’s contrast 2020 to 2024 using one of the most established media supported polls that abandoned election-eve polling after 2012 due to the difficulties faced in predictive surveying of the modern electorate – due to disparate rate of response from different constituencies as landlines disappeared, do-not-call lists blocked prospective pollsters, and other modern methods of text polling, cell-phone polling, automated polling, and online polling proved littered with landmines and traps for the unskilled or unethical. What we can do, though, is compare like-to-like: how is 2024 shaping up differently than 2020, using the same final October poll of the same pollster using the same modes and methods, Pew.
  • In their final 2020 poll, Pew forecast a ten-point Biden win. In their final 2024 poll, Harris holds a within-the-margin-of-error one-point slim lead. Where are the biggest demographic shifts?
  • This is the shift in margin from Biden to Trump in Pew’s final polls. Men shift from Biden to Trump by 12 points. Voters without any college degree shift from Biden to Trump by 13 points. Black voters shift from Biden to Trump by 15 points. Hispanic voters shift from Biden to Trump by 18 points. White non-Hispanic Catholics shift from Scranton Joe to Trump-Vance by 18 points. Independent voters shift from Biden to Trump by 20 points. Asian voters shift from Biden to Trump by 21 points. Non-college black and Hispanic movers shift from Biden to Trump by 21 points. Black men shift from Biden to Trump by 25 points. Hispanic women shift from Biden to Trump by 25 points. New voters shift from Biden to Trump by 25 points. Millennial voters shift from Biden to Trump by 27 points.
  • Hone down and almost all of the loss of Harris’ vote share from Biden comes primarily from self-described Independent, working-class, non-college, millennial, and minority men, unhappy with the economy, immigration and foreign war risk. Just one more data-point confirming what we’ve been predicting here for the better part of a year. The multi-color new coalition of the Emerging Majority is here, and it’s favorite color is Trump Orange.  
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Barnes Brief: Friday, October 4, 2024

Special Fundraiser!

Schedule: Past & Prospective


What are the Odds w/ Baris:


Barnes Brothers:



Art of the Day: A day in dairy country, discussing the Constitution with a group of Amish farmers, who showed up by buggy -- at nearly the same time in waves right off the farm, reminiscent of the ending of the film Witness. The Amish took the time for the mass meeting, worried over new state-sponsored threats to their way of life they and their ancestors protected for centuries. The sincerity of their engagement, the honesty of their inquiries, the humility in their approach to life best recollects in living example the ideals and idealism of the best of our founding generation.

Book Recommendation: Remembering the populist revolt after the Revolution that gave us the Bill of Rights.

Wisdom of the Day: “The most important things in your home are people.” Amish proverb.

The Merits: Top Five Curated Articles from The Barnes Library

1)     Economy: Disastrous response to disaster.

2)    Politics: Democratic trouble w/ Hispanics.

3)    Geopolitics: Forever war risk.

4)   History: Pirates lives for freedom.

5)    Culture: Covid vax ad lies.

Homework: 5 Cases TBD on Sunday

I.               Tina Peters sentencing.

II.             Big Pharma conspiracy.

III.           EU sues Hungary.

IV.           Seizing internet domains.

V.             Wizard of Oz.

Closing Argument: The Right of Bail Secures Liberty For All

“No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or to be outlawed, or any otherwise destroyed, but by lawful Judgment of his Peers, or by the law of the Land.”

The Magna Carta, Chapter 29, 9 Hen.3. c.29 (1215).

  • Nearly eight centuries old. Films celebrate it; Americans make it political scripture; and the world recognizes it as a revolutionary benefit to a civil and humane society – The Right of Bail.
  • As the surety of our liberties, the Bill of Rights provides particular protection before the state cane strips us of our fundamental physical liberty, clothing the accused with the presumption of innocence, prohibiting punishment for past conduct except upon proof admitted under the rules of evidence, properly obtained, to a degree of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, as adjudicated by a jury drawn from the community, and the right to be free pending trial and appeal.  The effect of imprisonment cannot be limited to just the effect of the loss of his most inviolate liberty – actual physical liberty; imprisonment also strips a man of so many of his other fundamental rights, such as First Amendment associational rights, Papachristou v. Jacksonville, 405 U.S. 156 (1972), the right to privacy and the integrity of his familial and other relationships, Moore v. East Cleveland, 431 U.S. 494 (1977), and subjects him to some of the most invasive treatment imaginable with minute by minute monitoring, full body searches of genital and anal cavities, and other treatment as if he were close to human chattel, Bell v. Wolfish, 441 U.S. 520 (1979). With an accused often losing their employment, suffering the stigma of potentially weeks or months in prison, often unable to fund or prepare for their own defense, and under the extraordinary stress a prison cell provides, many scholars lament the misuse of detention in district courts. See Craig Ethan Allen, Pretrial Detention and the Loss of Innocence, 11 Hamline L. Rev. 331 (Summer 1988). 
  • Nowhere is the protection of liberty more important – nor was it of more concern to the Framers – than in the confrontation between the State and the individual when the State attempts to deprive the individual of his or her physical freedom. The Framers recognized that the panoply of protections against government deprivation of liberty contained in the Bill of Rights would be rendered nugatory if a defendant could be interminably incarcerated upon mere accusation. Thus, the Eighth Amendment’s bail guarantee must be seen as part of the Framers’ broader concern, deeply rooted in English and Colonial experience, that no individual be physically detained and restrained by the state except under compelling circumstances. 
  • The struggle to enwomb individual liberty against the incursions of the state commenced ten centuries ago and has not lost its force with time. After the Magna Carta, securing a man’s liberty but by law of the land and trial by jury of his peers, the sheriffs, kings and courts still searched for and found ways around the guarantee by converting bail provisions into extortion rackets against the poor and imprisoning the politically disfavored under whatever pretext available without accusation and trial. See Duker, The Right to Bail: A Historical Inquiry, 42 Alb. L. Rev. 33 (1977); see also Foote, The Coming Constitutional Crisis in Bail, 113 U. Pa. L. Rev. 959 (1965). Executive branch misappropriation and judicial branch misapplication of bail authority sadly hallmarks the English history of the excessive bail clause.
  • This fundamental protection against the state’s most feared power, coterminous with its monopoly on legalized force, derives from the first Anglo-American rebellion against the misappropriation and misapplication of state power, a rebellion that birthed the Magna Carta. The assumption embedded therein was that the law would only allow imprisonment but through the proscription of criminal statutes, as only authorized by the law of the land, and that no criminal conviction could take place, but by a jury. While the ancient English system entrusted the protection of these liberties to the legislative branch of Parliament against the judicial and executive branches, the English Parliament’s abuse of these liberties precipitated the American Revolution, which extended these protections in the federal constitution against all branches of the new national government. See Bridges v. California, 314 U.S. 252, 264-65 (1941). Madison, himself, spoke to this contrast in proposing the Bill of Rights to Congress, in conformity to his and others’ ratification promises to those like George Mason, 1 Annals of Cong. 18, 46-50 (Gales & Seaton ed. 1789-1791): "the declaration of rights which that country [Britain] has established, the truth is, they have gone no further than to raise a barrier against the power of the Crown; the power to legislate is left altogether indefinite .... But although ... it may not be thought necessary to provide limits for the legislative power in that country, yet a different opinion prevails in the United States. The people of many states have thought it necessary to raise barriers against power in all forms and departments of government.”
  • The definition of “excessive” for the American revolutionaries was anyone accused of a non-capital offense not made bailable by sufficient sureties, as Pennsylvania so codified in its constitution. Pa. Const. ch. ii, Sec. 28 (1776) (“all prisoners shall be bailable by sufficient sureties unless for capital offenses.”) Congress’s understanding was the same, as it passed the excessive bail clause and the bail provisions of the Judiciary Act of 1789 at the same time, provisions unchanged for nearly two hundred years: an accused shall be admitted to bail in non-capital cases. Indeed, every state admitted to the Union after 1789 (excepting only West Virginia during the days of the Civil War, and Hawaii, at the very end) guaranteed the right to bail for non-capital offenses, while the original colonies who modernized their Constitutions in conformity with the revolutionary principles equally established the same. Note, The Eighth Amendment and the Right to Bail: Historical Perspectives, 82 Colum. L. Rev. 328 (1982). From 1789 to 1966, jurists assumed the protection against excessive bail prevented the state from denying a man’s liberty except in capital cases. See United States v. Motlow, 10 F.2d 657 (1926) (Butler, J., Circuit Justice). The ubiquity of understanding across all the judges confirmed the tradition from its American roots: bail was excessive whenever bail, or the denial thereof, exceeded the state’s interest at issue. The Senior Judges of all federal appellate courts understood the same, as communicated by a then-acting Supreme Court Justice Butler sitting as a Circuit Justice. Upon the recommendation to District Judges by the conference of the Senior Circuit Judges, held in June, 1925, upon the call of the Chief Justice of the United States, under the Act of September 14, 1922 (42 Stat. 838 (Comp. St. Ann. Supp. 1923, Sec. 1113a)), the Senior Circuit Judges advised each of their district courts: “The right to bail before conviction is secured by the Constitution to those charged with violation of the criminal laws of the United States.” Motlow, 10 F.2d at 662 (Butler, J., Circuit Justice). Justice Butler reviewed and concurred, noting the purpose of the clause: [N]o one shall be required to suffer imprisonment for crime before the determination of his case in the court of last resort. And it adopts the substance of the rule laid down by the Supreme Court in Hudson v. Parker. Id. at 662." When misuse of bail again arose, critics condemned it and Congress answered with the Bail Reform Act of 1966. See R. Goldfarb, Ransom–A Critique of the American Bail System, 23-24 (1965). The first Bail Reform Act of 1966 intended to expand, not limit, access to bail, by codifying Constitutional constraints on the perceived judicial misuse of bail.
  • Significantly, imprisoning a man prior to trial handicaps his defense by inhibiting his free contact with counsel; preventing him from providing for himself or others financially; exposing him every day to the “prison rats” who often act as government informants to induce, or claim to have induced, incriminating admissions during imprisonment; and lastly, inviting coerced plea dispositions just to avoid the ongoing imprisonment. See Preventive Detention: An Empirical Analysis, 6 Harv. Civ. Rights Civ. Lib. L. Rev. 289, 347 (1971); see also Kinney v. Lenon, 447 F.2d 596 (9th Cir. 1971).Federal courts have long recognized this pernicious effect. See Campbell v. McGruder, 580 F.2d 521, 532 (D.C. Cir. 1978); Motamedi, 767 F.2d at 1414 (Boochever, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part) (“A subtler consequence of pretrial detention is that it may set up a conflict between the defendant’s desire and right to provide himself with the best defense possible and his desire to escape the unpleasantness of pretrial confinement as soon as possible “).
  • Bail protects a wide range of critical and essential constitutional rights: “From the passage of the Judiciary Act of 1789 to the present . . . federal law has unequivocally provided that a person arrested for a non-capital offense shall be admitted to bail. This traditional right to freedom before conviction permits the unhampered preparation of a defense, and serves to prevent the infliction of punishment prior to conviction . . . Unless this right to bail before trial is preserved, the presumption of innocence secured only after centuries of struggle, would lose its meaning.” Stack v. Boyle, 342 U.S. 1, 4 (1951). Notably, to some scholars and jurists, as well as to most people on the street, the idea that putting a man in prison is somehow not “punishment” can seem “ludicrous.” United States v. Edwards, 430 A.2d 1321, 1363 (D.C. 1981) (en banc) (Mack, J., dissenting). As the wisdom of the ancients provided: “If it suffices to accuse, what will become of the innocent?” Coffin, 156 U.S. at 455 (1895) (reciting Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum Libri Qui Supersunt, L. XVIII, c. 1, A.D. 359). Bail secures the presumption of innocence. 
  • We defend the speech we hate because our speech may someday be hated; we defend the right to bail for those we despise because someday we may be the one despised. Defending the right to bail secures our most fundamental liberties from the greatest threat the state can pose to any of us.
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