Schedule: Past & Prospective
What Are The Odds:

LIVE Friday Night Betting w/ Barnes at 9pm: https://sportspicks.locals.com/post/6244428/betting-w-barnes-ama-friday-october-18-2024
Saturday Movie: TBD by Board Poll
Sunday: Law for the People w/ Viva
Art of the Day: Needed: an old school study with fireplace, deep leather chairs, the requisite humidor, oil paintings on the wall of ancestors, plush carpets on hardwood floors, old cognac and elegant bourbon in the cabinet, a few classic books on the shelves, and memorable conversations for generations.
Book Recommendation: Operation Ajax: a trip down memory lane. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21056774-operation-ajax
Wisdom of the Day: “A doctrine derived from the premise that the King can do no wrong deserves no place in American law.” Law Professor Cherminsky.
Closing Argument: Too Much Immunity