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Barnes Brief: Valentine's Day, 2023
February 14, 2023
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Barnes Brief

Schedule This Week

Tuesday: Early Bourbon w/ Barnes at 6 pm eastern

Wednesday: Sidebar w/ Duran at 1 p.m eastern; Bourbon at 9 p.m. eastern

Thursday: Bourbon w/ Barnes at 9 pm eastern


The Introduction: News in Brief

  • Neocon Nikki Haley announced her candidacy for the Presidency, as fellow South Carolinian Tim Scott plans his own Presidential bid.
  • CPI “falls” to 6.5%
  • Biden forms new UFO task force, as this increasingly looks like a mass distraction campaign.
  • Trump’s new nickname for DeSantis is “Meatball Ron”, which is kinda funny.
  • Feinstein retiring finally.
  • House committee to investigate Fauci.
  • USA Today now admits the obvious: Russia winning in Ukraine.
  • Smart legislation in Arkansas: expand ability to sue for misguided gender transition treatment.
  • England ends boosters for under 50.
  • T-Mobile outage hits across the country.
  • Georgia Trump grand jury report to be partially released.

Wisdom of the Day: “Agents and informers do not merely spy. Their main purpose is to discredit, disrupt and negatively redirect action.” COINTELPRO.


The Evidence: Barnes Daily Curated Library

  1. Media complicity in Covid polices precludes real accountability.
  2. Did the response to Covid cause the early deaths attributed to Covid?
  3. Forgetting lessons from past foreign wars.
  4. Everybody thinks they can be President.
  5. Backlash on economic war on Russia.
  6. Battery problems set back Ford’s electric truck.
  7. The bull in b.s.
  8. Basham’s take on 2022.
  9. Ukraine history.
  10. One example of interesting story covered by new news aggregator.

*Bonus: Curious George’s Valentine.



The Argument: A Reasoned Rant

  • An argument (I suspect originated from allies of Pfizer) recently emerged in the public discourse that the Covid vaccines are really “bioweapons” which required no clinical testing for safety or efficacy, because Pfizer was merely an agent and instrumentality of the Defense Department. This basically blames Trump for starting a bioweapon program “intended to kill and disable” people under the guise of a vaccine, while also immunizing Pfizer from any suit (including Brook Jackson’s whistleblower claim) as a mere “agent” of the government. To get to this conclusion, various authors misconstrued the procedural manner Operation Warp Speed functioned.
  • I see some substack authors pushing a theory that would immunize Pfizer and shift blame to the DOD. These authors often mis-cite the pleadings in the Brook Jackson case I am co-counsel on. They are mistaken. The DOD is definitely in bed with Big Pharma, but legally speaking, Pfizer was not a mere agent of the DOD in this context, and their lies to the government material to Pfizer's funding. Indeed, the contract required the vaccines not be administered if the FDA ever withheld authorization or withdrew authorization. 
  • The quickest way to fund an expedited vaccine project was through the Defense Department using its legal authority to develop “prototype” projects. In this case, the prototype was not the vaccine, but the method used to create it – a wide scale, sped-up process of producing medical countermeasures in a pandemic for national security and future military use. The prototype was the process, not the product. This has been misconstrued to make the vaccine a “prototype weapon” because the prototype legislation primarily presumed purchases for weapons, but this confuses the most common use of the law with the purpose of the project here. 
  • The second, separate item they misconstrued was the legal pleadings in the Brook Jackson case I am co-counsel on. According to these same authors, Pfizer argued they were immune because it was a bioweapon project they were performing as an agent of the government, and the clinical trials were never required to measure for safety or efficacy. According to these same authors, the Government filed paperwork “admitting” to this. This claim is false. 
  • Pfizer’s DOD contract focused on logistics solely because FDA compliance was a precondition of payment for the contract all the way through. Pfizer tried to play off of this by claiming the absence of all the FDA rules from their DOD contract meant the FDA rules were not preconditions of payment. We rightly satirized Pfizer’s claim as absurd. The reason is the plain language of the contracts Pfizer themselves admitted into the record, contracts these same authors oddly fail to discuss in detail while spinning their seductive Dominion-like conspiracy tale that the Covid vaccines were bioweapons (which, if true, did something they managed to forget to talk about – completely immunize and inoculate Pfizer under sovereign immunity and eviscerate Brook Jackson’s case.) 
  • In order to procedurally facilitate Operation Warp Speed, the Department of Defense utilized its prototype funding program to accelerate the development of the vaccine. That has been misconstrued to mean the vaccine was a Government "bioweapon", that clinical trials were neither necessary nor welcome for its production and distribution, and that Pfizer was merely acting as an agent/instrumentality of the federal government. Part of this stems from people accepting Pfizer's defense at face value that clinical trial regulatory compliance was not a precondition of the award of a $2B DOD contract. This is flatly erroneous. Indeed, the only reason no separate regulation was required by the Defense Department was, as the agreements explicitly and expressly state, because "these clinical trials are regulated by the FDA and HHS."
  • The OTA Base Agreement cited by Pfizer didn't discard FDA rules, but actually reinstated, reinforced and reincorporated them. 
  • Section 21.06 of the Base Agreement
  • "Deployment and production of medical products and processes fall under the purview of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and research on these products involving animal or human studies is regulated by other laws, directives and regulations....Efforts conducted under this OTA shall be done ethically and in accordance with all applicable laws, directives, and regulations." So much so that Pfizer had to share all FDA information with the DOD, including listening to conferences, sharing all documents , exchanging all communications, allowing government attendance at all visits and audits. 
  • Section 21.12 of the Base Agreement
  • Pfizer had to comply "with current Good Manufacturing Processes as defined by FDA guidance", including "clinical trials", and any "failure to comply" that had any "material adverse effect on the safety" of the product would be a "material failure." 
  • The Statement of Work (SOW) – the second binding agreement Pfizer admitted and filed into the public record -- incorporated the terms of the Base Agreement, as 1.1 of the SOW states the agreement is entered into "pursuant to" it. 
  • The SOW further stated the agreement is Pfizer’s "provision to the Government, a state of the art candidate vaccine...providing protection against the SARS-Cov-2 threat and related coronaviruses” but only after “subject to technical, clinical and regulatory success." Pfizer led the government to believe Pfizer could do "unprecedented phase" clinical trial design and its mRna technologies would "abolish the risk of anti-vector immunity." Indeed, Pfizer promised they could scale fast "while preserving high quality and safety standards." Pfizer promised its product would be "for the prevention of Covid-19." The agreement required "regulatory approval" after "conducting clinical trials." The agreement only provided for funding "if clinical trials are successful and the FDA grants" EUA and BLA licensure. 
  • Just in case this wasn't clear enough, the Statement of Work is crystal clear: "Pfizer will meet the necessary FDA requirements for conducting ongoing and planned clinical trials." Pfizer can only seek FDA approval or authorization if "the clinical data supports such application for approval or authorization." Indeed, the only reason no separate regulation was required by the Army was because "these clinical trials are regulated by the FDA and HHS." 
  • The SOW even goes into detail on the kind of study necessary to "evaluating the safety" of the vaccine -- "a randomized, placebo-controlled, observer-blind, dose-finding, and vaccine candidate-selection study in healthy adults." The SOW describes the clinical trials as "pivotal efficacy study design." Only upon "adequate safety and efficacy data" could it be approved. The words "FDA approval or authorization" repeat throughout. The SOW even expressly incorporated the EUA preconditions for approval with express EUA process document incorporation. Pfizer's promise was that "doses shall establish the effectiveness of a technology capable of potentially providing immediate and long-term solutions to coronavirus infections." 
  • The SOW repeated throughout that Pfizer must comply "in a manner compliant with applicable laws and regulations" and expressly referenced the Good Manufacturing Practices regulation (21 CFR 210 & 21 CFR 211). The payment was only for "safe and effective doses required for vaccination" and Pfizer was being paid to "deliver those doses" at scale and speed. Any additional production required "particularly favorable" results. Over and over again, the SOW required Pfizer's drug be a "FDA-approved or authorized vaccine." Again and again, the DOD required any approval was "subject to FDA-approval or authorization" and "subject to FDA-approval or authorization." There would be no approval if "clinical" or "regulatory" failure occurred. 
  • In fact, to further enforce this, Pfizer had to provide the DOD all "data updates from clinical studies." Additionally, Pfizer had to "notify the Government of any event, risk, formal or informal FDA communication, or other issue" that could impact the project. All payments were "subject to change" based on "clinical trials and the validation of the product." Just as no payment could be made until successful clinical trials and FDA authorization or approval, the Government could stop payment whenever the FDA withdrew approval or authorization. That is why Pfizer had to provide all the "data updates" from the clinical trials as well as "any and all inspection and compliance notices, observations and responses" of those clinical trials. 
  • Every great crime needs a great patsy. Pfizer found theirs – the Defense Department. But Pfizer’s still the criminal. Eternal Truth #3.
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The Barnes Brief: Friday, October 25, 2024

Schedule: Past & Prospective

Art of the Day: The pride of skill, the mastery of craft, the aesthetic of labor as the anesthetic answer to a commodified, corporatized, dehumanized life imagined for the working class by distant elites. The deindustrialization of America damaged the soul of America, as it replaced empowering honest labor with numbers on a balance sheet of a bureaucratized, soul-lobotomized number-cruncher. Rebalancing the productive economy requires respecting honest work that produces real and tangible value beyond dollars and cents.   

Book Recommendation: Working class rebellion of the 1970s.

Wisdom of the Day: “Work is just living out the script to Office Space. We don’t devalue work; work devalues us.” Gen Z worker explaining the antipathy of the Gen Z to the modern workplace.


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The Barnes Brief: Friday, October 18, 2024

Schedule: Past & Prospective


What Are The Odds:



LIVE Friday Night Betting w/ Barnes at 9pm:

Saturday Movie: TBD by Board Poll

Sunday: Law for the People w/ Viva

Art of the Day: Needed: an old school study with fireplace, deep leather chairs, the requisite humidor, oil paintings on the wall of ancestors, plush carpets on hardwood floors, old cognac and elegant bourbon in the cabinet, a few classic books on the shelves, and memorable conversations for generations.

Book Recommendation: Operation Ajax: a trip down memory lane.

Wisdom of the Day: “A doctrine derived from the premise that the King can do no wrong deserves no place in American law.” Law Professor Cherminsky.

Closing Argument: Too Much Immunity


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The Barnes Brief: October 11, 2024

Schedule: Past & Prospective


What Are The Odds:



LIVE Friday Night Betting w/ Barnes:

Saturday Movie: TBD by Board Poll

Sunday: Law for the People w/ Viva

Closing Argument: The Story Polls Tell Us

Book Recommendation: An argument for Trump-style economics from three decades ago by one of the most prescient political analysts of American modern history.

Art of the Day: I don’t know how impractical it might be, but I’ve always wanted to build a home containing glass ceilings and glass floors in varying parts of the home, to immerse the living space into the outer environment, feeling the skies above and the dirt below, with a special fondness for window views, like clear sky or mountain views from above and river or creek views outside and below. This image captures part of that fascination.

Wisdom of the Day: "Why you talkin' about abortion when we can't feed our kids?" Black woman voter in Las Vegas explaining to a journalist why she's voting Trump over Harris. 

The Merits: Top Five Curated Articles from The Barnes Library

1)  Economy: Recession began in 2022.

2)  Politics: Climate change is a political loser.

3)  Geopolitics: Journalist arrested in Israel.

4)  History: NAFTA.

5)  Culture: Big Pharma’s “studies” exposed.

Homework: Top 10 Cases TBD on Sunday

I.              SCOTUS restarts.

II.           Trump NY Appeal.

III.        Amos Miller argument.

IV.         Banks funding cartels.

V.           Court clerks strike?

VI.         Crypto vs Biden continues.

VII.      Roger Ver Indictment problems.

VIII.   J6 informant evidence missing.

IX.        Cakeshop owner wins final battle.

X.           Senate candidate exposed.

Closing Argument: The Story Polls Tell Us

  • Let’s contrast 2020 to 2024 using one of the most established media supported polls that abandoned election-eve polling after 2012 due to the difficulties faced in predictive surveying of the modern electorate – due to disparate rate of response from different constituencies as landlines disappeared, do-not-call lists blocked prospective pollsters, and other modern methods of text polling, cell-phone polling, automated polling, and online polling proved littered with landmines and traps for the unskilled or unethical. What we can do, though, is compare like-to-like: how is 2024 shaping up differently than 2020, using the same final October poll of the same pollster using the same modes and methods, Pew.
  • In their final 2020 poll, Pew forecast a ten-point Biden win. In their final 2024 poll, Harris holds a within-the-margin-of-error one-point slim lead. Where are the biggest demographic shifts?
  • This is the shift in margin from Biden to Trump in Pew’s final polls. Men shift from Biden to Trump by 12 points. Voters without any college degree shift from Biden to Trump by 13 points. Black voters shift from Biden to Trump by 15 points. Hispanic voters shift from Biden to Trump by 18 points. White non-Hispanic Catholics shift from Scranton Joe to Trump-Vance by 18 points. Independent voters shift from Biden to Trump by 20 points. Asian voters shift from Biden to Trump by 21 points. Non-college black and Hispanic movers shift from Biden to Trump by 21 points. Black men shift from Biden to Trump by 25 points. Hispanic women shift from Biden to Trump by 25 points. New voters shift from Biden to Trump by 25 points. Millennial voters shift from Biden to Trump by 27 points.
  • Hone down and almost all of the loss of Harris’ vote share from Biden comes primarily from self-described Independent, working-class, non-college, millennial, and minority men, unhappy with the economy, immigration and foreign war risk. Just one more data-point confirming what we’ve been predicting here for the better part of a year. The multi-color new coalition of the Emerging Majority is here, and it’s favorite color is Trump Orange.  
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