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September 08, 2024
Some thoughts on RussiaGate 3.0

Appreciate how insidiously manipulative / deceitful what the DOJ is doing to Dave Rubin, Tim Pool and Benny Johnson...

By alleging in the indictment that the commentators are victims of a crime, the DOJ has effectively forced them to state as much publicly, thus effectively manipulating (or coercing) them to ratify/legitimize what are now mere allegations in an indictment. DOJ gets the headlines they needed 60 days out from an election.

If the commentators come out and say "we don't feel like we were victims of a crime" or "we don't even think there was a crime here", DOJ / media will say they are complicit.

Once DOJ labels them as victims of a crime, any refusal to cooperate with authorities will be viewed as highly suspect. After all, if they are victims, why wouldn't they want to cooperate to clear their names/seek justice?

So they will be asked to sit down, cooperate - and at least from a DOJ / fake news media perspective, corroborate - the DOJ's assertion that they are victims, which will be weaponized as a confirmation of the broader allegations of "Russian interference".

And, who knows what the DOJ will find in the course of any such "amicable discussions" with Pool et al... Did you have a license for this? A registration for that? Did you report this income? Oh what's that, an improper entry in your corprorate ledgers?

We have lived through, and are still in the eye of an era of "bring me the man and I will find you the crime".

Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, Benny Johnsons et al. are just as much a "threat" to the the administration as any alleged "Russian interference". They might very well have been the targets from the beginning.

If the DOJ didn't nab them in this scheme (which we have good reason to suspect is just as crooked as the 2016 FBI falsifying evidence to obtain unlawful FISA spy warrants on Carter Page first iteration of the Russia-Gate Hoax), they are still ideological targets who, in my view, are currently being strong-armed / coerced by insidious manipulation that is is no way intended to exonerate them legally or the in court of public opinion.

My humble assessment.

See you all tonight!

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Never forget

Screen recording of Twitter feed

The first part are his posts.

The second part or his replies.

I wasn’t able to record all of the replies.

February 17, 2024
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The Barnes Brief, Podcast Format: Monday, July 17, 2023

Closing Argument: Birthright citizenship is deeply American, and wholly Constitutional.

The Barnes Brief, Podcast Format: Monday, July 17, 2023
Declaration of Independence

Audio podcast style.

Declaration of Independence
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Board Poll: Sunday Topics

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@RobertBarnes @VivaFrei 🚨BREAKING🚨
Trump Campaign sends out a LONG LIST OF RECEIPTS of Democrats' rhetoric that "inspired another attempt on President Trump's life"
HERE are more 50 unique quotes and sources of each PROOF the DEMOCRATS and the MSM ARE TO BLAME!

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The Barnes Brief: Friday, September 6, 2024

Schedule: Past & Prospective


  • What Are The Odds:
  • Barnes Brothers:


Art of the Day: A favorite pastime when traveling across the country unearths the simple beauty of the simple churches that crisscross the countryside across America. With the requisite fondness for the ornate luxury of old-world Masons in the Catholic churches of Europe, the counterpoint of unvarnished wooden structures for ordinary folks gathering to fellowship with one another celebrates a populist side of America standing in small towns across the landscape.

Wisdom of the Day: A population of freeholders and farmers is the “safest depository of republican liberty.” James Madison.

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The Barnes Brief: Friday, September 6, 2024
  • Note: A new, more concise, curated Barnes Brief to focus attention on a more selective exploration of substantial subjects.

Schedule: Past & Prospective

Art of the Day: What we need to be in embrace of V for Vendetta’s message of the power of the individual to bespeak a revolution. “Everybody is special. Everybody. Everybody is a hero.” That is when “people shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.”

Wisdom of the Day: “Our masters have not heard the people’s voice for generations and it is much, much louder than they care to remember.” V for Vendetta.

Book Recommendation: My Deep State book list (in progress).

The Merits: Top Five Curated Articles from The Barnes Library

  1. Economy: Americans lose out in jobs.
  2. Politics: Kennedy Trump alliance.
  3. Geopolitics: Macron’s gamble fails.
  4. History: Hitler’s need for war.
  5. Culture: Hope in Hollywood.

Homework: Top 5 Cases TBD on Sunday

  1. As forecast:
  2. They forget: the last Russiagate hoax.
  3. FARA too far.
  4. Musk vs. Media Matters.
  5. Inalienability of Publicity.

Closing Argument: The Right to Privacy Doesn’t End at Courthouse

From a recent brief in federal court of mine.

Americans do not forfeit their Constitutional rights to protected activity and all privacy merely because they also assert their Constitutional right to petition the court for redress of grievances. An employer does not get to use their own prior religious discrimination to again discriminate against their ex-employee in the very case seeking remedy for the past religious discrimination. A case of religious discrimination does not authorize federal courts to conduct heresy trials as the new Inquisitor of Appellant’s life history, invasively scrolling through Appellant’s sexual history, psychological counseling, medical records, religious affiliations, political activities, and intimate conversations throughout their life to see if the court approves.

“Inviolability of privacy in group association" is "indispensable to preservation of freedom of association, particularly where a group espouses dissident beliefs." Id. Indeed, “it is hardly a novel perception that compelled disclosure of affiliation with groups engaged in advocacy may constitute as effective a restraint on freedom of association as the forms of governmental action” NAACP v. Ala., 357 U.S. 449, 462 (1958). Revealing such information exposes her associates to risk of “economic reprisal, loss of employment, threat of physical coercion, and other manifestations of public hostility.” NAACP, 357 U.S. at 462.

Federal Courts recognize a constitutionally based right of privacy that can be raised in response to discovery requests. See Breed v. United States Dist. Ct. for Northern District, 542 F.2d 1114, 1116 (9th Cir.1976) (balancing the invasion of minor's privacy rights against the court's need for ward files); Johnson by Johnson v. Thompson, 971 F.2d 1487, 1497 (10th Cir.1992), cert. den. 507 U.S. 910, 113 S.Ct. 1255, 122 L.Ed.2d 654 (1993) (denying discovery of names of participants in a medical study due to privacy interests of the individual participants). Guthrey v. California Dep't of Corr. & Rehab., 1:10-cv-02177-AWI-BAM, 14 (E.D. Cal. Jun. 27, 2012) ("the initiation of a lawsuit does not, by itself, grant plaintiffs the right to rummage unnecessarily and unchecked through the private affairs of anyone they choose. A balance must be struck.") Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1, 64, 96 S.Ct. 612 (1976) ("[W]e have repeatedly found that compelled disclosure, in itself, can seriously infringe on privacy of association and belief guaranteed by the First Amendment").

"A party who objects to a discovery request as an infringement of the party's First Amendment rights is in essence asserting a First Amendment privilege." Perry v. Schwarzenegger, 591 F3d 1126, 1140 (9th Cir. 2009); See also, Black Panther Party v. Smith, 661 F.2d 1243, 1264 (D.C. Cir.1981), cert. granted and vacated as moot, 458 U.S. 1118, 102 S.Ct. 3505, 73 L.Ed.2d 1381 (1982); see also Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1) ("Parties may obtain discovery regarding any nonprivileged matter that is relevant to any party's claim or defense[.]") (emphasis added). "Importantly, the party seeking the discovery must show that the information sought is highly relevant to the claims or defenses in the litigation—a more demanding standard of relevance than that under FRCP 26(b)(1).("The request must also be carefully tailored to avoid unnecessary interference with protected activities, and the information must be otherwise unavailable.") Guthrey v. California Dep't of Corr. & Rehab., 1:10-cv-02177-AWI-BAM, 14-15 (E.D. Cal. Jun. 27, 2012) (“substantial privacy interest in his subjective religious views, as well as the identity of the individuals he shares those views with - whether in a place of worship or in casual conservation.”). Critically, discovery cannot be “used to gain access to unfettered inquisitions into an individual's most private and intimate religious views” because” a "chilling impact on religious associational rights would result.” Guthrey v. California Dep't of Corr. & Rehab., 1:10-cv-02177-AWI-BAM, 16 (E.D. Cal. Jun. 27, 2012).

Under the Pennsylvania constitution, the right to privacy is an “inherent right of mankind” enshrined in “Article 1, Section 1.” Pennsylvania State Educ. Ass'n v. Commonwealth Dep't of Cmty. & Econ. Dev., 148 A.3d 142, 150 (Pa. 2016). “Article 1, Section 8 [of the Pennsylvania constitution], . . . is meant to embody a strong notion of privacy, carefully safeguarded in this Commonwealth for the past two centuries.”Com. v. Edmunds, 586 A.2d 887, 897 (Pa. 1991). “[C]itizens (as persons, unrelated to any subjective expectations) have the ‘right to immunity of the person,’ the ‘right to be let alone,’ and the ‘right to one's personality.’” Pennsylvania State Educ. Ass'n, 148 A.3d at 150. The right to privacy is “‘[t]he greatest joy that can be experienced by mortal man . . .in small as well as in big things. Of all the precious privileges and prerogatives in the crown of happiness which every American citizen has the right to wear, none shines with greater luster and imparts more innate satisfaction and soulful contentment.’” Id. at 151 (quoting Com. v. Murray, 223 A.2d 102, 109 (Pa. 1966)).

The broad right of privacy under the Pennsylvania constitution is not even limited only to government actors, for if “private intermeddlers may, without legal responsibility” intrude into the right to privacy, “then all constitutional guarantees become meaningless aggregation of words, as disconnected as a broken necklace whose beads have scattered on the floor.” Com. v. Murray, 223 A.2d at 110.

In examining the scope of the right to privacy under the Pennsylvania constitution, courts “balance the public interest in disclosure of the requested information against the ‘individual's right to privacy and personal security.’” Pennsylvania State Educ. Ass'n, 148 A.3d at 154 (quoting Sapp Roofing Co. v. Sheet Metal Workers' Int'l Ass'n, Loc. Union No. 12, 713 A.2d 627, 630 (199 8)). This right to privacy is not limited to the home, but also to “to the doctor's office, the hospital, the hotel room, or as is otherwise required to safeguard the right to privacy involved in such intimate relationships.” In re "B", 394 A.2d 419, 424 (Pa. 1978). Indeed, one of the objects of the right to privacy is “to protect an individual from revealing matters which could impugn his character and subject him to ridicule or persecution,” such as mental health, sexual history, and HIV diagnoses. Stenger v. Lehigh Valley Hasp. Ctr., 609 A.2d 796, 800 (Pa. 1992). Thus, there is no “general power to inquire into private affairs and to compel disclosures but only with such limited right of inquiry as is pertinent.” Annenberg, 2 A.2d at 617-18. Subpoenas “commanding plaintiffs to produce” “a mass of books and papers in order that there might be a search through them to gather evidence” are “void in that they do not show that the demands therein are germane to the inquiry.” Id. at 618.

Rather than force heresy trials on those discriminated against petitioning the court for redress of greivance, it is time to restore the right of privacy from the prying, spying eyes of the judiciary. 

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The Barnes Brief: Friday, August 23, 2024

Schedule: Past & Prospective

Book Recommendation: My co-favorite book as a kid.

Art of the Day: The kaleidoscope of colliding colors in this Hindu temple so expressive that locals believe its waters inside heal chronic illness. The celebratory style of the temple manifests in more than its yoga style elephants and happy bellies, but best felt in the brilliance and brightness of its colors. Feeling more like a circus of joy than the more austere architecture of a later age. Indeed, it hard to look at this, and not smile, and in that, it reflects the divinity of the art’s center of attention, a healing power of its own.

Wisdom of the Day: “Only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly.” Robert Kennedy.

Introduction: Top 10 Headlines of the Week

  1. Fed reverses
  2. DNC ends with a whisper
  3. Beyonce no-show
  4. Behind the DNC curtains
  5. DNC shenanigans lead RFK to consider Trump
  6. Something that never happens to Amos Miller: food recalls
  7. Literally cremating the evidence
  8. Gabbard spying inquiry
  9. Rising global risk
  10. Housing problems  

*Bonus: Aliens?

The Evidence: Top Twenty Articles from The Barnes Library

  1. DNC Bore.
  2. DNC fails to reach working class.
  3. RFK impact.
  4. The Washington exemplar.
  5. DC: the mafia of the mentally ill & morally corrupt.
  6. Harris’ unconstitutional tax plan.
  7. Ukranian insanity.
  8. Global inflation.
  9. Supply shock, price shock.
  10. Lockdown inflation.

*Bonus: Alien life.


Homework: Cases TBD on Sunday

  1. Trump New York.
  2. Kennedy censorship case proceeds.
  4. Elections at SCOTUS.
  5. Alaska elections.
  6. Vaccine coercion.
  7. Amazon antitrust.
  8. Twitter v. Jack Smith.
  9. IBM Employment.
  10. DEI Insurance.
  11. Machine gun dismissal.
  12. Baby food autism.

Closing Argument: RFK Effect

  • If RFK drops out, the effect is three-fold: first, RFK’s voters other choices in the election; second, messaging impact on the campaigns; and third, down-ballot impact of turnout impacted thereby.
  • My analysis if RFK stays in as follows on the 2024 Presidential vote:

                                 Trump 75 million

                                 Harris 72 million

                                 Kennedy 6 million

                                Other 2 million

  • My analysis if RFK drops out and either supports Trump, attacks Harris and/or Trump takes up issues important to RFK voters.

                               Trump 78 million

                               Harris 73 million

                               Other 2 million

  • The electoral impact moves Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania into Trump likely states, and moves New Mexico, Maine and Minnesota into tossups. The down-ballot effect moves the Senate into 85% chance of going Republican and the same with the House, as the drop-out voters were those leaning heavily Democratic down-ballot.
  • The key for Trump to capitalize on RFK dropping out is to target RFK voters on issues of importance to them. We polled this precise set of questions for 1776 Law Center in the summer. A recap may be helpful.
  • 29% of voters told us there were seriously considering voting for Kennedy for President. Amongst voters under 40, this number rose to 40%. Amongst black voters, this rose to 35% and amongst Hispanic voters, this rose to 40%. Amongst true Independents (no lean toward either party), this number rose to 36%. Amongst those who scored high on populism, this rose to 39%. Amongst high school voters, this rose to 35%. Amongst students, this rose to 39%. Amongst union members, this rose to 38%. Amongst parents with school-age kids, this rose to 37%. Amongst urban voters, this rose to 37%. Amongst New England voters, this rose to 36%. Amongst likely, but not certain, to vote, this rose to 40%. Amongst voters that skipped recent elections or were new voters, this rose to 42%. Of note, of those prior voters considering Kennedy, more voted for Biden than Trump.
  • We dug down into what issues drove these Kennedy-considering voters. Two of the top issues were Medical Freedom, Food Freedom and opposition to foreign war. They reported the highest rates of voters who believed “Americans should be allowed to buy food directly from farmers without getting government permission” and considered corporate-produced processed industrialized, commercialized, monopolized food laced with chemicals and made like Soylent Green to be deeply unhealthy and undesired compared to their favorite local farmers market and neighborhood food vendor. They also reported the highest rate of voters who believed “Drug companies should not be immune from suit if their vaccines cause injury” because they also reported the highest rates of discrimination, disability and death to they or their loved ones from the Covid19 vaccine. They also reported deep levels of dissatisfaction with the current conditions of the economy and their own prospects in it. Lastly, they strongly opposed funding foreign wars like Ukraine with American tax dollars.
  • RFK dropping out would free these voters to back Trump, but their Democratic ancestry and GOP skepticism mean it is up to Trump to persuade them why they should embrace his candidacy. For that, the easiest ticket is to embrace the two biggest issues of distinct impact for them: restore the family farmer to the heart of the American food supply and remedy the vaccine discrimination and disabilities with real reform of our Big Pharma protection racket laws. Food freedom and medical freedom are the ticket to a Trump 2024 election outside the margin of fraud.
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