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Happy 4th!

Independence is the most beautiful thing about becoming an free man.

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Joe Biden Analysis

Here's my highlights for those who didn't catch the stream yesterday.


Some meandering thoughts and reflections on freedom, what it means to be American.

Godspeed, God bless, and happy 4th of July!


Trump's New York Conviction is GETTING TOSSED Biotches! Immunity Has Consequences! Viva Frei Vlawg

February 17, 2024
Appearance on Richard Syrette

I did a quick hit on Richard Syrette yesterday. Gotta keep Canadians apprised of the U.S. madness.

Appearance on Richard Syrette
The Barnes Brief, Podcast Format: Monday, July 17, 2023

Closing Argument: Birthright citizenship is deeply American, and wholly Constitutional.

The Barnes Brief, Podcast Format: Monday, July 17, 2023
Declaration of Independence

Audio podcast style.

Declaration of Independence
Board Poll: Sunday Topics

Pick your favorite if any, and add your own comments, questions and topics in replies below. The list for tonight, with links, now included.

I. SCOTUS: Suing agencies.
II. SCOTUS: Social Media
III. SCOTUS: Trump Immunity
IV. SCOTUS: Social Media Cert
V. SCOTUS: Unconstitutional Agencies Cert
VI. SCOTUS: Racial Jury Selection Cert
VII. SCOTUS: Prosecutorial Misconduct
VIII. SCOTUS: 2nd Amendment.
IX. SCOTUS: Jury trial ...

July 4th Amos Miller Fundraiser

Celebrate Independence Day in an all-American way: supporting 1776 Law Center & Amos Miller. Homemade Freshly Minted Goats Milk soap that smells like a summer morning stroll through the wild mint patch on Amos's farm. The limited edition collectors label is inspired by the Philadelphia Mint, the first Mint established by our Founding Fathers in 1792. Thanks to the talented @jmaca for the design!

Purchase link for current members of the farm:

Purchase link if you are not yet a member of the farm:

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Happy Independence Day!
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Barnes Brief: Week of July 4, 2024


·      Wednesday, Bourbon w/ Barnes at 9ish pm eastern

·      Sunday at 6 pm eastern: Law For the People w/ Viva

·      Book Recommendation:

·      Closing Argument: Remembering the Revolution

Introduction: Top 10 Headlines of the Week

  1. Trump immunity.
  2. Trump trends.
  3. Harris plots.
  4. Donors fear.
  5. Biden won’t leave.
  6. Deep State plots.
  7. Trump lawfare.
  8. Europeans skeptical of Ukraine.
  9. Hurricanes incoming.
  10. Pension problems.

*Bonus: Fishing troubles from Hurricane.

Wisdom of the Day: “We for Ten Years incessantly and ineffectually besieged the Throne as Supplicants; we Reasoned, we Remonstrated with Parliament in the most mild and decent Language. But Administration, sensible that we should regard these oppressive Measures as Freemen ought to do, sent over Fleets and Armies to enforce them.” Representatives of the Colonies, 1775.

The Evidence: Top Ten Articles Curated from The Barnes Library

  1. Immunity decision summation.
  2. The unrealism of Dump Biden.
  3. SCOTUS greenlights censorship.
  4. Need for military reform.
  5. Trump joins Medical Freedom.
  6. Dem Delegate rules
  8. Deep State Debate rigging.
  9. Petrodollar concerns.
  10. Industrial resurrection.

*Bonus: ACLU’s anti-Trump obsession.

Homework: Top Dozen Cases TBD on Sunday Show

I.          SCOTUS: Suing agencies.

II.         SCOTUS: Social Media

III.        SCOTUS: Trump Immunity

IV.        SCOTUS: Social Media Cert

V.         SCOTUS: Unconstitutional Agencies Cert

VI.        SCOTUS: Racial Jury Selection Cert

VII.       SCOTUS: Prosecutorial Misconduct

VIII.       SCOTUS: 2nd Amendment.

IX.         SCOTUS: Jury trial presence.

X.          SCOTUS: Jury trial numbers.

XI.        Trump motion for mistrial in New York.

XII.      Vaccine mandate verdict.

*Bonus: Trump search.

** Bonus: Biden Export Ban overturned.

*** Bonus: Missouri Sues New York

Closing Argument: Remembering the Revolution

  • No better expression of the meaning of the Constitution exists than the American Revolution itself. The Revolution established the principle “that all civil government, as far as it can be denominated free, is a creature of the people. It originates with them. It is conducted under their direction; and has in view nothing but their happiness.” Any government unconsented to by the people is not a “free” government.
  • Let’s start from First Principles. At the outset, each individual human may “assume among the power of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them.” All legitimate power derives from the consent of the governed; any other asserted power is usurped, illegitimate and unfree. This surmises the first of the Eternal Truths we know to be “self-evident.” Of note, the appeal to conscience and the archives of Nature – God’s writing on the soul of each human and the world created – provides the first and foremost admissible evidence in support of these truths. This informs the reason “all man are created equal” and “endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.” The origin of government is “to secure these rights” as the only “just powers” must obtain “the consent of the governed.” Nothing better surmises the core precepts of the Revolution: respect for each human being as a human being, and the constraints on civil society and authorized governance to respect the rights of each human being.
  • Every principle and precept of the Constitution should be read in light of its purpose: “to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.” The Constitution must “provide new Guards for their future security” of their “unalienable rights.” What are those unalienable rights? At a minimum, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  
  • The litany and list of offenses against those unalienable rights give us further definition of what the Constitution must be a security Guard against. Refusing to “assent to laws.” The right of Representation. Distant venues of representative assemblies. Border mismanagement. No independent judiciary. Biased judges corrupted by loyalty to something other than the law and the rights of the people. A ridiculous multitude of new administrative offices that “harass our people and eat out their substance.” Standing armies. A military power above the law. Foreign jurisdiction. Mock trials that protect the politically connected. Taxation without representation. Depriving the people of Trial by Jury. Venues and vicinages of trials beyond their home. Military drafts for perfidious wars. Left defenseless against invasion. Refusal to answer petitions for redress of grievances. An unwarrantable jurisdiction of government over the citizen. In objection to this, they declared independence and swore their lives, fortunes and sacred honor.
  • These principles should form the frame for filtering any Constitutional question of today. We witness in the DC courts the recreation of “transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offenses.” We see in the NYC courts “a mock trial” that makes a mockery of justice. We see in the judicial denial of jury trials in a range of case the “depriving us in many case of the benefits of
    Trial by Jury.” We see in the self-aggregating administrative state a hungry bureaucracy “erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”
  • A simple refrain for any Constitutional question must commence with What Would the Revolutionaries Do? Answer that question, and the Constitution comes alive an entire new light, like the night skies of the Fourth around America.
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The Barnes Brief: Friday, June 28, 2024


·      5% Picks Posted for Euro & Copa America.

·      Saturday Movie Night: TBD

·      Sunday at 6 pm eastern: Law For the People w/ Viva

·      Book Recommendation: How the Ageless Wisdom of the Federal Courts was Invented

·      Closing Argument: Standing Stands For Nothing


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The Barnes Brief: Friday, June 21, 2024


Book Recommendation: Crime Lab Woes.

Closing Argument: 2nd Amendment Right to Make Private Sales


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