Morbidly obese Miss Alabama
And the male “Miss” Maryland.
The old Chinese proverb “may you live in interesting times” is probably always true. Times are always interesting. I have difficulty thinking of any era where things would not be “interesting”.
The building of the pyramids.
The comet that wiped out the dinosaurs.
I suspect even when Genghis Khan was slaughtering a quarter of the earth’s population, those times were interesting. Unfortunately so for the victims.
The industrial revolution.
World War II.
And now, a morbidly obese Miss Alabama (or whatever offshoot of a competition that was) and a Miss Maryland who is a mister.
At the most basic level, it’s a form of of cultural Marxism: an attempt to subvert culture and morality.
At a more nefarious level, it is an attempt to demoralize. An attempt to force people to believe the absurd, so as to render any form of objective knowledge and morality meaningless.
But at its most nefarious level, I see it as part and parcel of the push for population reduction.
Many people have pointed this out with the push to normalize abortion, euthanasia, and transgender “care” - the first two of which are overt population reduction, and the latter indirect through sterilization.
But at another level, the push to normalize and “beautify” obesity is, itself, also part of the war.
The average lifespan of the morbidly obese is reduced by 1 to 2 decades. 10 to 20 years.
Normalize and “beautify” obesity, and as far as population reduction goes, it’s an investment that pays off in 1 to 2 generations.
I went for a jog this morning. A little late, towards 10 o’clock. It was already swelteringly hot. And humid. And I noticed how the sun already felt like it was directly overhead.
Just get the calories out so I can move on with the day. It’s work. It’s boring. Although I’m listening to Alex Jones’ “Great Awakening”, which makes it easier (holy shiat, the Epstein story is a deep rabbit hole).
Body positivity should be about celebrating health. Not about glamorizing unhealthiness.
Every now and again, I come across a Twitter feed of someone is celebrating weight loss over an extended period of time. I can’t imagine how hard it is to embark on such a journey, where the gains are minimal, virtually unnoticeable, on a daily basis. But over a long enough time, the change is remarkable.
That is the type of body positivity that should be encouraged and celebrated.
But the cultural Marxists want to tell us that morbid obesity is healthy, and men can be women.
And if the ultimate goal is population reduction, I could imagine nothing more effective than sterilizing a generation of children, and reducing the lifespan of another generation of one to two decades.