Justin Trudeau Star Wars video
Trudeau posted this video in a tweet today, with the text “worlds apart”.
It didn’t put me into a rage, but it kind of en raged me. For those of you who don’t know, James Topp is the veteran who walked across the country. Literally. From Vancouver to Ottawa, to protest the mandates.
This was my reply to Justin:
I have been sitting here for 20 minutes, thinking of how to respond to this video. It’s the most mind-blowing act of desperate, defamatory hate-mongering imaginable. There literally are no depths to which you will not sink, Justin.
My first thought was to tell you to go fuck yourself. But that would be too easy and devoid of substance.
My second thought was to point out the hypocrisy of you, a black-face wearing, woman-groping, ethics-breaching, Nazi-worshipping POS accusing others of “extremism”. But you know this. It’s the essence of your provocation. You are the piece of shit you accuse others of being. Everyone knows it. You portray yourself as the hero while provoking the victims of your abuse.
My third thought was to remind you - no, to reassure you that - that you will go down as the biggest stain in the history of Canada. But I don’t think you care. You have betrayed Canada and Canadians for your 30 pieces of silver.
Ultimately, there is only one thing to say: You may never face any meaningful or commensurate form of justice for your persistent, repeated evil conduct. But you will live the rest of your days with the greatest curse imaginable: to be so detested and so detestable that you cannot even walk among the people. You will live the rest of your days in a prison of your own making. A prison of your own pride. Knowing that no one will shed a tear when your time on this earth is done.
Contrast that to James Topp, a man you can only aspire to be in your wildest fantasies. A veteran. A brave soul. A man who literally walked across the country among his brethren to protest your abuse. A man who loves and who is loved. A man of whom you are so rabidly jealous, you feel compelled to abuse of your governmental powers to defame and destroy.
As Leonidas tells Ephialtes at the end of 300: "May you live forever".
I hope it was worth it, you black-face wearing, woman-groping, ethics-breaching, Nazi-worshipping POS.