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Barnes Brief: Sunday, March 12, 2023
March 12, 2023
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Barnes Brief

Schedule This Week

No Sunday show this week.

Bourbon w/ Barnes: Monday at 6 pm eastern; Tuesday & Thursday at 9 pm eastern.

Sidebar: Wednesday at 7 w/ Garland Nixon.

Last Week: Kim Iverson & Refuge of Sinners along w/ Redacted

Introduction: Top 10 Headlines

  • Debate starts over bailing out uninsured deposit holders at Silicon Valley Bank that went bust, as concerns rise over the state of First Republic Bank.
  • DeSantis moves toward announcing a 2024 bid challenging Trump.
  • More countries, even lefty European nations, conclude gender intervention in minors is not based on any good medical evidence.
  • Inventory bullwhip effect starting to show up in employment.
  • China brokers peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
  • RFK announces his possible campaign, testing public support, focusing on “my top priority will be to end the corrupt merger between state and corporate power.”
  • Stanford Law harasses federal Judge with woke struggle session.
  • 1/6 Prison Choir song w/ Trump hits #1 on iTunes.
  • China toys recalled after kids’ deaths.
  • Deep State plans on Deep Fakes for psyops.
  • Gun sanctuary law struck down.
  • Banning drag shows for kids catches on.

Wisdom of the Day: “Repay them according to their deeds.” Psalm 28:4.

The Evidence: Barnes Daily Curated Library

The New McCarthyism.

Gun control is racist.

Inside rail car derailment debacle.

Why banks collapsed?

End to Airline consolidation?

Censorship Industrial Complex.

Elites scared of populists’ efficacy.

Embryo as property?

Central issue of 2024: democracy or deep state?

What is the EuroDollar?

*Bonus: My father's favorite.

Closing Argument: A Reasoned Rant

  • I favor picking candidates based on probable impact on society. Let me given an example: abortion. If the goal is to reduce the number of abortions, then which policy best reduces actual abortions? This came to attention after watching abortion rates decline more under Clinton than they had under his pro-life predecessors. For example, guess which Governor has seen a rise in abortions during his term, and which Governor has seen a decline in abortions during his term? The two most prominent Governors – DeSantis and Newsom. But abortions rose under DeSantis while fell under Newsome. Why? Abortion laws often make less difference on abortion rates than policies that give generous benefits to single mothers.
  • In the same vein, I focus on the actual consequences of probable policies. I voted Trump believing he could at least stop the bleeding: no new wars and no new bad trade. Trump delivered even more: not only no new wars (despite repeat efforts to bait him into military interventions in Ukraine, Iran, Syria, Taiwan and Venezuela), but also tearing up old bad trade deals, renegotiating NAFTA for more favorable terms to America, and imposing tariffs on China. I see immigration as part of this, and Trump did more to reduce illegal immigration than any President since a century ago.
  • I’ve enjoyed success forecasting the likely consequences and enacted policies of politicians for some time, after I got burned as a kid, first believing in a Bush then a Clinton. It taught me a lifetimes lesson to assess the real probabilistic enacted policies of candidates if elected, and what to look for to make that forecast.
  • That’s why I am an increasing skeptic of DeSantis. His Deep State recruit resume screams warning alarms, with his Yale fraternity ties to Skull & Bones favorite fraternity, his recruitment as a young teacher at an elite prep school, Harvard Law, Guantanamo & Fallujah Navy assignments, gig at the US Attorneys’ office, early John Bolton endorsement for his first Congressional bid, and his atrocious Congressional record – supported Maidan coup, aligned with neocons like Arkansas Senator Cotton, embraced Paul Ryan budgets (called for massive cuts in Social security), opposed using tariffs in trade policy, continued to back the Iraq War into 2012, criticized Trump for not being more pro-intervention in Ukraine, suggested his own support for further intervention in Venezuela, and won the backing of the billionaire oligarch donor class of Trump haters. There’s a reason DeSantis calls the Bush family his “heroes.”
  • There’s another reason though: likely voter reactions to DeSantis. Republicans quickly forgot why Democrats loved the electoral college before 2016 – it gave Democrats an edge with their Blue Wall in the industrial Midwest. The Bush coalition is dead: the Bushs killed it. As is, the Bush coalition was on bordered time, due to its own embrace of illegal immigration in the southwest and the shifting cultural tides amongst the millennial professional class toward the left. Remove Virginia and Colorado (two states best reflective of the latter), and DeSantis could win every Bush 2004 state (even Iowa and Ohio, two states that would be much more competitive than it was for Democrats under Trump), and still lose the election. Trump broke the electoral college edge. How? Trade and war. Trump won over working class, less-religious voters in the industrial Midwest and southwest, as the loud New Yawker that would break some eggs when eggs need breaking, but shift Presidential policy away from the wars that shipped their kids overseas and the trade policies that shipped their jobs overseas. DeSantis’ Bush-style policies on war and trade doom his candidacy in any general election, even without considering the backlash amongst Trump primary voters likely to occur were he to be seen as the cause of Trump’s loss in the primaries.
  • This is why, if you want Biden replaced, it’s still Trump 2024.
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Highlights from today’s hearing

I’m not sure if I’ll be able to go live again/put together a vlawg, so for everyone’s benefit, here are my highlights from today’s hearing.

I’m short:

Nadler is a POS.

Schiff is a POS.

Wray is an evasive POS.

The FBI is a partisan, corrupt POS institution.

And it would seem that Secret Service might have denied Trump additional requested protection AFTER becoming aware of the alleged Iranian a threat.

This was a set up from the get-go.

Kim Cheatle just resigned

I am very curious as to why she resigned after testifying, as opposed to before, and avoiding testimony.

I’m also curious as to the importance of this admission, which was brought to my attention from yesterday’s hearing.

Why would she be using encrypted messages on her personal device with foreign “partners”?


Enjoy the vlawg. I'm doing a podcast with Neil Oliver tomorrow!

February 17, 2024
Appearance on Richard Syrette

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The Barnes Brief, Podcast Format: Monday, July 17, 2023

Closing Argument: Birthright citizenship is deeply American, and wholly Constitutional.

The Barnes Brief, Podcast Format: Monday, July 17, 2023
Declaration of Independence

Audio podcast style.

Declaration of Independence
I caught a fish today

So the day was not entirely wasted. 😂

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LIVE w/ Duran
Whitney Webb: Board Discussion

Do people who trust her work realize she thinks Trump is a mob-controlled, Deep State plant? I see mostly guilt-by-association, innuendo from unverified sources, and ideological coloring (she really, really hates Israel). An example from 1 critique & a link to another.

"A better title: Six Degrees of Jeffrey Epstein. It contains a dull summary of practically every alleged conspiracy between members of the intelligence community, organized crime, politics, business, and the media over the last century. Webb has rounded up all the usual suspects, as Claude Rains said in Casablanca. However, I kept waiting for a coherent story to develop, and it didn’t. It’s just an endless list of the names of influential men, mostly dead, who had tenuous associations with other influential men, as if that’s surprising. Though I scanned this massive tome (805 pages) quickly, the pages might as well have been blank; there’s nothing here. I won’t waste time on Part 2 (another 648 pages)"

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The Barnes Brief: July 26, 2024

Appearances & Schedule

Book Recommendation: Henry George’s famed work from a century-and-a-half ago that influenced thinkers like Peter Thiel today.

Closing Argument: How Peter Thiel Outfoxed the CIA


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Barnes Brief: July 19, 2024


  • Live w/ George Gammon:
  • Saturday Movie Night at 9 pm eastern: TBD by Board vote
  • Sunday at 6 pm eastern: Law For the People w/ Viva

Book Recommendation: The Parallax View

Closing Argument: Understanding J.D. Vance


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The Barnes Brief: July 12, 2024


  • SkyNews
  • Sheperdess Interview
  • Sunday at 6 pm eastern: Law for the People w/ Viva
  • LIVE from RNC Monday to Wednesday

Book Recommendation: Some Honorable Men: Political Conventions, 1960-1972

Closing Argument: Who Are the 2024 Swing Voters?

Introduction: Top 10 Headlines of the Week

  1. Biden coup
  2. Biden won’t go
  3. Pew poll
  4. Trump VP
  5. Baldwin trial explodes
  6. Smart meter mandates
  7. RNC platform dissent
  8. Garland contempt fails
  9. Economy woes
  10. Price concerns               

*Bonus: Croc invasion.

Wisdom of the Day: “But generally, center-left liberals who are doing very well, and center-right conservatives who are doing very well, have an incredible blind spot about how much their success is built on a system that is not serving people who they should be serving.” J.D. Vance.

The Evidence: Top Ten Articles Curated from The Barnes Library

  1. RNC Platform.
  2. Project 2025.
  3. The other side of Project 2025.
  4. 10.7 Failure.
  5. Using climate change to deny us our food.
  6. Illegals voting.
  7. Gabbard for VP?
  8. VP Vance?
  9. Echo chamber campuses.
  10. Sex abuse coverup.

*Bonus: Famous convention speeches.

Homework: Top Dozen Cases TBD on Sunday Show

I.              SCOTUS: Petition on property seizures.

II.           SCOTUS: Petition on religious schools.

III.        Athletes as employees.

IV.         The 13th juror.

V.           Recount limits in Michigan.

VI.         Court secrecy.

VII.      Recording as speech.

VIII.   Pennsylvania bans on court recording.

IX.        Tweets as speech.

X.           Negligent hiring.

XI.        Legal limits on Biden $.

XII.      Legal limits on Biden ballot access.


Closing Argument:  The 2024 Swing Voters

As the Convention approaches, the KYA of American politics – Know Your Audience – comes central. The VP pick, the convention speeches, and viral moments from the convention shape the core narrative to the voter groups deciding the election. The “swing voters” are voters who are undecided on whether to vote and whom to vote for. Who are these voters?

1776 Law Center commissioned a survey to uncover who these voters are. One-in-5 voters are uncommitted to any Presidential candidate and admitted they are considering multiple options, including whether to vote for Trump or Biden or Kennedy. Of note, half the country excluded voting for each of the candidates; about 40% committed to voting for Trump; about 40% committed to voting for Biden; 5% committed to voting for Kennedy. Half the country said they are considering voting for Trump, Biden or Kennedy. Who are the 20% uncommitted?

First, the swing voter is a self-described independent who does not lean toward either party and tends to describe their ideology as “none of the above” or “moderate.”  They disproportionately admit they have skipped voting in past elections and voting for third party or independent candidates for office.

Second, the 2024 swing voter tends more than the general voting electorate to be an ethnic minority, a younger GenX, millennial or zoomer generation, and as likely to be urban as suburban, with a slight favoritism toward being separated and having young children.

Third, the 2024 swing voter tends to be religious or spiritual, but not church-going, with a secular approach to public life but a traditional view on matters of private morals.

Fourth, the 2024 swing voter tends to not have a post-college degree or a college degree from a prestigious institution, self-identifies more as working-class than middle class, and expresses economic stress at current economic conditions and future prospects.

Fifth, the 2024 swing voter experienced above average rates of social and physical harm from the Covid19 vaccine, with half reporting someone very close to them suffering a serious or severe harm from the vaccine or discrimination from vaccine mandates.

Sixth, the 2024 swing voter expresses great skepticism toward big business, government bureaucrats, the expert class as a whole, lawyers and scientists, the press and politicians. They disproportionately obtain their information about politics from independent media platformed by social media means.

What motivates these voters? These voters listed the issues “more likely” to impact their vote as:

  • the right to buy food directly from a farmer without government permission (73% of swing voters as opposed to 53% of other voters);
  • the power to hold drug companies responsible for the vaccines (76% of swing voters versus 63% of other voters);
  • the ability to stop censorship online (64% of swing voters versus 54% of other voters);
  • the right to buy and hold bitcoin without regulation or taxation (50% of swing voters versus 30% of other voters); and
  • stopping funding the war in Ukraine (55% of swing voters versus 30% of other voters).

The 2024 swing voter mirrors the populist proclivities of past swing voter constituencies with the issues shifting to those issues impacting their day-to-day life – economic opportunity without discrimination based on medical choices; remedy for the harm from bad products; access to good food from the producer of that food; access to financial self-improvement outside central bank control; and funds for projects at home rather than wars abroad.

The party and candidate that targets this swing voter best in 2024 enjoys the best chance to win election in 2024.

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